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How do I set up the Heads Up Fasting timer?

Everything you need to know to about using the Heads Up Fasting timer on the web...

Brian Haltom avatar
Written by Brian Haltom
Updated over a week ago

Hey, all!

In this article, we're going to show you everything you need to know to record and review fasts inside the Heads Up web app.

Note: the start time/end time will always show the times from your last recorded fast.

If at any point you have questions, please reach out to our support team by email or by using the little blue circle with the white smiling message icon in the lower right corner of the app.

How to Start a Fast Using the Web

First things first, head over to the Heads Up web app and add the Fasting tile to the dashboard.

To add a new tile on the web, click the plus icon located on the last tile position.

Under Data Sources, find and click Metabolism > Fasting and then Add:

The fasting tile will show up on the dashboard in the second to the last tile position. Generally, just to the left of the plus icon tile.

Note: you can click and drag the tile to wherever you'd like on the dashboard.

Starting A New Fast

Click the Play icon to start the timer:

Set the start time of your fast:

Set the date and time and click Apply:

Setting Your Target

Your target is how long you are aiming to fast.

The default target is set to 16 hours, indicated by the 16h under the Time Remaining count down. Use the Minus icon to lower the target amount, and use the Plus icon to raise the target amount:

Adjusting the target time will automatically adjust the end time.

In the example you see, we've raised our Target to 24h and now our Start and End times are exactly 24 hours apart:

Setting the End Time

Note: this step is an alternate method to the Target time step above and is unnecessary if you already set your target.

You can also set the End time using the data selector, just like in step 2 for Start time. Adjusting the End time will automatically adjust the Target time:

Set the date and time and click Apply and Notice the Target time adjust. In the example, I added an extra day to my fast:

Saving your Fast

Fasts will not autosave. Once your target fasting time has been achieved, the Time Remaining counter will change to show the total amount of Time Elapsed.

In the example, I'm 43 minutes past my End time, notice the change:

Once your fast is complete, click the Stop icon:

Upon clicking the Stop icon, you are given the option to adjust your Start time and End time and add some notes.

If you went past your target, but you're fast ended earlier than expected, you can easily subtract (or add) the extra time at this step.

In the example, I adjust my End time back to 6 am, set my goal back to 36-hours and click Save:

Reviewing Your Fasting Data

The front face of the Fasting timer will show your last recorded fast:

Note: these times will remain on the tile until the next time your click the Play icon.

You can change which Fast is displayed on the front side of the tile by clicking the left and right arrows located in the lower left and right of the tile.

The left arrow will take you back a fast, and the right arrow moves you forward a fast:

To review a glance at the last five fasts, click the tile face away from any button or click the circular arrow icon in the bottom center of the fasting tile:

Canceling Your Fast

To cancel your fast, click the Stop icon.

On the Confirm Details screen, click Delete to delete the fast:

Need Help?

If you have questions or things didn’t work out as planned, please reach out to us at or use the little blue circle with the white smiling message icon in the lower right corner of the app, and we will be more than happy to help.

Thank you!

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