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How can I Upload a Custom Logo?
How can I Upload a Custom Logo?

Let's go over how to add a Custom Logo to Heads Up Pro Account...

Brian Haltom avatar
Written by Brian Haltom
Updated over 4 years ago

Hey Pros! In this article we are going to show you how to upload your organizations custom logo to your Heads Up Pro Account.

If you have any questions throughout this process, please reach out to our support team here, or use the little blue circle with the white smiling message icon in the lower right corner of the app, and we'd be happy to help.

Note: This feature must be enabled by the Heads Up team for this process to work as expected. Please reach out to our team here or to your Heads Up sales rep directly for more information on how to activate this feature.

To get started, please head over to the Clients page.

The Video

The Written How-to

Adding A New Logo

Once you over to the Clients page click the drop-down in the left-hand menu located next to your account name and click Pro Account, then find and click Customizations:

On the Customizations page you will find two fields, one for a Light Theme Logo, Heads Up default design, and one for a Dark Theme Logo, for when your clients have there accounts set to Dark Mode:

Light Theme Logo

To upload an image that will replace the Heads Up light theme logo, please click the Browse button located in the Light Theme Logo section, find the image you'd like uploaded and then click Save Changes. In the example below, I am going to upload an alternate Heads Up logo:

Success! If the image loads as expected you should be met with a Success! message and your new logo will be shown in the top navigation menu:

Dark Theme Logo

To upload an image that will replace the Heads Up dark theme logo, please click the Browse button located in the Dark Theme Logo section, find the image you'd like uploaded and then click Save Changes. In the example below, I am going to upload a a classic Heads Up logo:

Success! If the image loads as expected you should be met with a Success! message and your new logo will be shown in the top navigation menu. Switch over to the Dark Mode and check it out:

Deleting or Changing Your Custom Logo

Changing your custom logo is as easy uploading it. Head over to the Customizations page, find the logo you'd like to delete and click the X icon and then click Yes. Once the logo is removed, you can upload a new logo:

The logo is now successfully switched back to the Heads Up default and you can upload another logo:

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team here, or use the little blue circle with the white smiling message icon in the lower right corner of the app for further assistance.

Thank you!

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