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Articles for practitioners and health coaches using our platform to manage clients, patients, and members.
Oura Practitioner Education
How do I customize my client's dashboard?
How can I track my client's progress and create custom reports?
How do I make my Client's data more secure with Security Tags?
How do I create and add Tags to my Clients?
How do I create Custom Data Types for my clients?
How do I use the Photo Food Journal?
How do I use client Attributes?
What Happens to Data When an Account is Deactivated?
How do I sync my client's lab results to Heads Up?
How do I import my Client's data from a PDF?
How do I bulk upload my Client's Biomarker Data?
How can I upload files into my client's account?
How do I upload my client's medical documents for the Concierge Service?
How do I import my Client's Dexcom data via CSV?
How do I import my Client's InBody data via CSV?
How do I bulk upload my Client's DEXA Data?
Concierge Service
Customize Your Notifications for Better Control and Personalization
Customizing the Heads Up Health Platform
How do I upgrade my Pro Account?
How do I update the payment information for my Heads Up Pro Account?
How do I upload a custom logo?
How do I update my Pro Account account info?
How do I cancel my Heads Up Pro Subscription?
How do I delete my pro account?
How can I Upload a Custom Logo?